Monday, July 27, 2009


Do you ever feel like you are in the wrong place at the wrong time or that you take action a little too soon based on the information you have just to find out it was better left alone?  I do.  This morning I am so frustrated with myself.  I had an appointment for tomorrow for a comprehensive ultrasound.  On Friday at 4:30 I cancelled the appointment and scheduled it for a week later.  I did this because we discovered that the show Anthony is in that is being recorded is having all the dialogue recorded on Tuesday morning.  Yesterday, much to my chagrin I discovered that he does not have to be at the recording session until about 15 minutes after the scheduled end time for my appointment.  It is soooo frustrating.   I called yesterday to see if I could leave a message to try to get my original appointment time back, but the recording gave me other numbers I could call if I was having an emergency and would not let me leave a message.  So I called this morning about 3 minutes after the office opened to try to get my appointment back and they have already scheduled someone else in the time slot.  

Really in the big scheme of things having to wait another  week is not a big deal, but I learned a couple of things at a doctor's appointment last week that makes me a little anxious to have it done and over with.  First - The nurse and doctor that saw me were both a little distressed that I did not have an ultrasound in my first trimester.  The people I saw in Binghamton said nothing about needing an early on ultrasound to confirm the due date, and I was relying on them to let me know if I needed any procedures done in my first trimester and before losing insurance when I moved.  Second, when the doctor did the push-on-the-belly thing he looked at me and asked (for probably the fifth time in the appointment) "You are sure you know when your last period was?" Then he took out the measuring tape and measured my girth just to nod his head and say, "Yep, I think you are a month further along than you think you are."  What!?  A month less to get things settled when we move and make sure we are as ready as humanly possible!?  No further explanation from the doc. Third -  Just frustration with having cancelled an appointment that was actually okay. It ends up that the company is doing something it usually does not do with its recordings - they are staggering the times that people need to be there based on when they are actually needed and it ends up that Anthony is not needed before 10:15.  Anthony and I could have gone to the appointment and been just fine with the timing - the appointment was for 9 AM and was to last an hour.  It would be cutting it a little close, but is a risk I am willing to take.

I know I just need to let all this roll off my back, but I am still frustrated.  I guess I will just remind myself like I find myself doing a lot lately... "Everything will work out okay."  So I am just stuck in anticipation one more week - and the results of the ultrasound will probably be the same then as they would be tomorrow.  I am already getting exercises in patience and the baby isn't even here yet.  I think I am in trouble.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh my! Losing a month of preparation would be very tough! I hope all is maybe a November baby?