It has been so much fun just kicking around and spending lots of time together. We have been playing board games, going for long walks along the river, taking drives to explore some of the surrounding area, having good conversations and spending time with friends from the opera company and church.
When Anthony is gone to rehearsal, I take great pleasure in cleaning our apartment and making fabulous meals... just this morning, Anthony told me that people in the opera company had begun asking when they were going to be invited over to eat the great meals I have been creating. I guess word has spread that I have been going crazy in the kitchen. It has been so much fun! In the last couple of weeks I have made enough food to feed an army... and think we almost have. I have been experimenting with new recipe I have wanted to try for a while and have just not had the time. The result is usually that after getting the ingredients, when I am ready to start the preparations I realize "this recipe is not for two people... it is for six... or eight." This would not normally be a problem, but one of the things I have been looking forward to each day has been making dinner, so leftovers kind of put a damper on things. The result has been that we are having people over for dinner almost all the time. It has been nice to get to know people in this way.
I think I could really get used to this... too bad the savings will be running out in not too long. Besides that, I don't think that "living on our savings account" is the same as "living on love," oh well. It has been fun... not to mention that while I have been able to get creative with our menu Anthony doesn't suggest going out to eat nearly as often. I am loving this.
good, I'm glad you're happy and I wish I could eat some o' your great food. I miss the old time Desiree cooking. It's coming up on conference and we have to figure out what to do for breakfast!!!!! Every time someone mentions conference traditions, I'm like, "Well, I make sure we have all the ingredients we'll need for breakfast, and I make sure the house is nice and clean, and I wash some sheets for the bucks..." and people are like, "Oh, I meant like being prepared for the spiritual side o' conference" and I'm like, "oh, this IS my spiritual preparation"
I love you.
That sounds fun! I would love to make gourmet meals every night. Good luck getting a job... we definitely know about living on love (I mean the savings account).
What a great post. I miss you guys, and wish we could swing by for one of those meals....
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